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The Cellular Shimmer 

Minute pin-prick blips of vibratory sensation can be felt to exist on every part of the body down to the smallest cell.  However, the consciousness that passes as normal in the world at large—lost in compressed thought and caught up in self image—needs to cast a numbing blanket over this vast oceanic web of sensations in order to exist.  Sensations can be felt to vibrate, percolate, buzz, carbonate everywhere throughout the entire body, but to be lost in thought you have to suppress their vibratory nature.  Buddha means to awaken, and it is the awakening of this altogether natural vibratory web of felt shimmering sensation that forms the second koan of The Awakening. 

To awaken the cellular shimmer all you need to do is send out invitations to every cell in the body to let their felt presence come back alive.  Once they accept your invitation, then you greet them at the door with a gesture of relaxation and letting go.  The Awakening depends on your ability to experience the entire body as a flowing field of vibratory sensations and wavelets of life energy.  First you need to awaken sensation.  Then you need to relax.  

Each of the koans adds a piece of the puzzle to The Awakening.  Start by exploring the dance of upright balancing first.  Only then can you truly relax and let go as sensations accept your invitation to come back alive.

Do nothing with the body but relax.

—Tilopa, 11th century mahamudra teacher 

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